HLT-902C Powdered organic fertilizer compound fertilizer anti-caking agent
Modified mixture of surfactants and ultrafine powders,activated carbon, biomass ash, mineral powders.
Items | Index |
Appearance | Black powder solid |
Smell | No odor |
Bulk density | 0.50~0.75 g/ml |
Remarks: This quality indicator is only for reference, and the specific indicators are subject to the contract.
Usesand characteristics:
★ This product is modified by aspecial process, and the powder can be firmly combined on the surface offertilizer particles. Ultra-fine activated carbon powder with porous propertiescan absorb free water and migrate water from fertilizer particles. Biomass ashand mineral powder are modified to be highly hydrophobic and prevent externalmoisture from entering the fertilizer particles.
★ After the fertilizer particlesare wrapped by this product, a dense and solid hydrophobic network structure isformed on the surface of the fertilizer particles. There is a certain sustainedrelease effect.
★ After special processmodification, the fine powder particles are arranged in an orderly manner.After the fertilizer particles are wrapped, the surface shows a certain luster.
★ All are natural raw materialsand are environmentally friendly products. Non-odorous, non-toxic and harmless.It does not pollute the environment when applied to the soil.
★ The powder of this product isa porous substance, and cross-linked organic organics, which can appropriatelyimprove the porosity and water retention of the soil after being applied to thesoil. The carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, calcium, magnesium and otherelements contained in this product can also appropriately improve fertilizerefficiency.
★ It is mainly used foranti-caking of organic fertilizer, and can also be used for other dark colorcompound fertilizers.
★ Good liquidity, easy to use,low cost.
★ It is used in conjunction withHLT-908 anti-caking agent for organic fertilizer to maximize the anti-cakingeffect and slow-release effect.
Usageand dosage:
Powdered organic fertilizer compoundfertilizer anti-caking agent usage: add to the screw conveyor hopper, convey tothe wrapping cylinder, throw it in the fertilizer, and wrap it evenly on thesurface of the fertilizer. When used in combination with HLT-908 anti-cakingagent for organic fertilizer, it should be added at the back point of theanti-caking agent of oil agent. The addition point should be 1~1.2 meters awayfrom the addition point of the oil anti-caking agent.
Dosage of anti-caking agent for powderedorganic fertilizer compound fertilizer: when used alone, the addition amount is0.4~0.7% according to the production and process conditions and the surfacefinish of the fertilizer particles. When used in combination with oil-basedanti-caking agent, the addition amount is 0.3~0.5%.
Packageand Storage:
Packed in plastic-lined woven bag orpaper-plastic bag, 25ibc. Pay attention to moisture, store in a cool,ventilated and dry place.
★ HLT-902C is a fine powder substance that may cause lunglesions if inhaled unprotected for a long time. It is recommended to wear adust mask when using it.
★ This product is not edible, please induce vomiting orseek medical attention immediately after ingestion.
★ Fireworks should be strictly prohibited in the placewhere the product is produced or used. In the event of an accidental fire,extinguish the fire with mist water, carbon dioxide, dry powder, and sand.
★ After use, the packaging is neatly arranged and disposedof as general waste packaging. Please keep the packaging away from the fire.